Abbot's Hospital Governance

Founded in 1619

Abbot's Hospital is administered by Abbot's Hospital Trustee Company in accordance with the Hospital of the Blessed Trinity (Guildford) Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1953 and Schemes of 29 May 1991, 1 February 2007 and 22 April 2010.


The Governors of the Hospital are directors of the Trustee Company. Five governors are ex-officio; the Mayor of Guildford, the Rectors of each of the ecclesiastical parishes of Holy Trinity with St Mary Guildford, St Nicolas Guildford and St John the Evangelist Stoke-next-Guildford, and the Headmaster of the Royal Grammar School, Guildford. Governors who must be persons residing or carrying on business in or near the Borough of Guildford are co-opted by the Board, subject to the approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury - the Hospital's official visitor.

The full Board meets at least three times each year and sub-groups of Governors, in particular the House Group and the Finance and Property Group, meet regularly. Individually, Governors meet residents at weekly Coffee mornings and at other times.

Every two years Governors conduct a Residents' Satisfaction Survey and the conclusions are reported to the full Board. This Survey was last conducted in 2019. Day to day management and administration of the Charity is delegated by the Board to the Master who is assisted by the Warden. The Master reports to the Chairman of Governors. In addition to running Abbot’s Hospital day to day matters the Master helps to maximise income, raise funds, promote public awareness and enhance the experience of those who visit the Hospital.

Abbot's Hospital Governance


  • Chairman: Colin Mullis
  • Leader (House Group): Philip O'Dwyer
  • Leader (Finance and Property Group): Desmond McCann
  • Ex-officio:
    • Rev Simon Butler (Holy Trinity with St Mary, Guildford)
    • Rev Fr Neil Roberts (St Nicolas, Guildford)
    • Rev Mark Woodward (St John the Evangelist, Stoke-next-Guildford)
    • Dr Jon Cox (Headmaster, RGS Guildford)
    • The Mayor of Guildford
  • Co-optative:
    • Dennis Booth
    • Peter Coleman
    • Nicky Davies
    • Paul Savage
    • Lesley Spencer

Annual Report

To see our Annual Reports and Accounts visit and enter our Charity number, 201631.